Myopia Control

  • Myopia is a condition of the eye also known as nearsightedness. Rapidly progressing myopia in children is a growing problem with the overuse of screens and technology, but one that can be prevented in many cases.

  • Once myopia has progressed, there is no way to reverse it besides surgery. Patients with high myopia are more likely to suffer certain eye diseases such as glaucoma or cataracts and retina-related disorders such as retinal detachment, central retinal degeneration, myopic macular holes or separation of the macular retina layers. These patients are at the greatest risk for retinal disorders which can lead to significant vision loss.

  • 1. MiSight® 1 Day Contact Lenses:

    MiSight® 1 Day contact lenses are a breakthrough in myopia control. These daily disposable contact lenses are designed to slow down the progression of myopia in children aged 8 to 12 years old. By utilizing a unique dual-focus design, MiSight® lenses help to reduce the strain on the eye's focusing mechanism, leading to less myopic progression over time. Dr. Kim will guide you through the fitting process to ensure optimal comfort and efficacy.


    Proven myopia management for children

    Convenient daily disposable lenses

    Helps preserve long-term eye health

    Reduces reliance on strong prescription glasses

    2. Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) Contact Lenses:

    Ortho-K contact lenses offer a non-surgical and reversible method to reshape the cornea overnight, providing clear vision during the day without the need for glasses or contact lenses. These specially designed gas permeable lenses are worn while sleeping, gently reshaping the cornea to correct myopia. Ortho-K is a popular choice for individuals of various ages seeking a lens-free daytime experience.


    Non-invasive and reversible

    Freedom from daytime glasses or contacts

    Effective myopia control for all age groups

    Ideal for those with an active lifestyle

    3. Atropine Eye Drops:

    Atropine eye drops are another method for myopia control. These drops work by dilating the pupil and temporarily relaxing the focusing muscles in the eye. This mechanism helps to slow down the progression of myopia. Dr. Kim will carefully monitor your progress and adjust the dosage as needed to achieve optimal results.


    Non-invasive and easy to administer

    Suitable for individuals with various levels of myopia

    Gradual reduction in myopic progression

  • Children and Adolescents: Myopia tends to develop during childhood and adolescence. Starting myopia control at a young age, usually between 6 and 12 years old, can be especially effective. However, even older adolescents and young adults can benefit from myopia control interventions.

    Rapid Progressors: Children who experience rapid myopia progression are prime candidates for myopia control. If your child's prescription changes significantly within a short period, it's a good indication that myopia control measures may be beneficial.

    Family History: If there's a history of myopia in your family, your child might be at a higher risk of developing nearsightedness. Myopia control can help reduce the risk of your child's myopia worsening over time.

  • Reduced Risk of Eye Health Issues: High levels of myopia are associated with a higher risk of eye health complications such as retinal detachment, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. Myopia control measures can help lower the risk of these potentially sight-threatening conditions.

    Less Dependence on Corrective Lenses: Individuals with myopia often rely on eyeglasses or contact lenses to see clearly. Myopia control interventions can potentially reduce the need for strong prescriptions and improve overall visual comfort.

    Improved Quality of Life: Myopia control can enhance the quality of life by minimizing the inconveniences associated with wearing glasses or contact lenses. Clear vision without the constant need for correction can positively impact daily activities, sports, and social interactions.

    Long-Term Savings: Investing in myopia control can lead to long-term savings on prescription eyewear and potential future eye health treatments. Preventing or slowing down myopia progression can have financial benefits over time.

    Optimized Academic Performance: For children and students, clear and comfortable vision is crucial for optimal learning. Myopia control can contribute to better academic performance and a more enjoyable learning experience.

    Long-Term Vision Health: By starting myopia control early, you're investing in the long-term health of your eyes. The benefits of managing myopia progression can extend well into adulthood, ensuring better visual health as you age.